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Long time no read on my blog. Somehow the last weeks were busy with enjoying the winter in the UK and having lots of fun with my friends. So I completely forgot to feed you guys with some stuff about my life. Here in England everything is fine. If anyone is wondering why I suddenly…(Read More)

Right after I am back from my class trip to England the buzz back home starts again. Buzz sounds a bit negative, but my Friday evening was just gorgeous! But let us start from the beginning: England was simply great. That’s why there will be an extra post for that topic, with a lot…(Read More)

I am endless thankful, that my parents gave me the opportunity to visit the Lollapalooza 2017 in Berlin. Without them I wouldn’t have been able to enter the festival area as a 15-years-old. It was absolutely amazing! Of course, I don’t have any comparisons. And of course there are already all…(Read More)

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