Beiträge Currently viewing the tag: "music"

This post is also available in: Deutsch 🇩🇪 Do you know that feeling when you go to a concert and you like it so much that you can still remember the smallest details, even weeks after it actually happened? That’s exactly how I feel about the garden concert with „Sophie And The Giants…(Read More)

This post is also available in: English 🇬🇧 Kennt ihr das auch, wenn ihr, zum Beispiel, auf Konzerten wart, die euch so sehr gefallen haben und ihr euch auch Wochen später noch an jedes kleinste Detail erinnert? Genauso geht es mir bei dem Gartenkonzert vom 22. September 2019 mit „Sophie And The Giants…(Read More)

This post is also available in: Deutsch. Hellooo! Finally it is time for the very first blogpost from Germany in 2019. I am back in the country for quite some time now, but I never really found time to write something new for you. Today I have to tell you about an extraordinary evening. At…(Read More)

Long time no read on my blog. Somehow the last weeks were busy with enjoying the winter in the UK and having lots of fun with my friends. So I completely forgot to feed you guys with some stuff about my life. Here in England everything is fine. If anyone is wondering why I suddenly…(Read More)

I am endless thankful, that my parents gave me the opportunity to visit the Lollapalooza 2017 in Berlin. Without them I wouldn’t have been able to enter the festival area as a 15-years-old. It was absolutely amazing! Of course, I don’t have any comparisons. And of course there are already all…(Read More)

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