Beiträge Currently viewing the tag: "work experience"

No, I didn’t make a mistake in the headline, because this post is really about tea and not about Nirvana’s „Smells Like Teen Spirit“. 😉 It’s no secret that I am in love with autumn and directly after the end of summer we are filling up our tea supply at home and the…(Read More)

I am a bit excited, because tomorrow my work experience starts in our monastery „Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen“. For those who know German grammar: Yes, it is written in the right way, don’t worry. I don’t know why it is called with this strange grammar but maybe I will find out while my…(Read More)

You may wonder now: What has a work experience to do with my Fashion Domino? In this case very much, because obviously it brought luck to me. I need to explain it now: My post for the Fashion Domino has a very special background today. This in form of a very cool location and also…(Read More)

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