Smells Like Tea Spirit – Autumn is here!

No, I didn’t make a mistake in the headline, because this post is really about tea and not about Nirvana’s „Smells Like Teen Spirit“. 😉

It’s no secret that I am in love with autumn and directly after the end of summer we are filling up our tea supply at home and the prettiest cups are brought to use again. Snuggling up with a warm blanket and drinking a good cup of tea belongs to autumn evenings for us when it’s getting colder outside. Daddy brews the hot beverages most of the times, he is the tea and coffee expert in our family. And he always discovers such tasty new types of tea. Actually you don’t need to buy those expensive hype teas. We all tried them and noticed, that there are other maybe even better types than Kusmi & Co.

I like my cup of tea most when it comes with a small cookie or a sweet piece of cake. I prefer self-made ones, as you might have guessed already?

Do you feel the same of getting cosy in the time of Autumn or am I getting older mature?

Blanket and a cup of tea - More often you will meet me like this now.
Where is my cookie?

Anyway, I always connect drinking tea to autumn. And to England. This is obvious, isn’t it? And because of traveling to England in the autumn holidays, I am getting tuned for this great trip. Our plans are big and I will have much stuff to report when I am back again.

This week I will finish my work experience in the art museum, taking place in our monastery. I have already seen so much and I already discovered some new artists. It is actually very exciting, if you are not a normal visitor anymore, when you are allowed to discover rooms, which are otherwise locked away. And the people there are very kind all the time. No, I don’t just write this, because there is still one week left. I mean it the way I tell you. 😉

By the way I will need more than one cup of tea a day this month, I think. Why?

Because I planned to post every article from now on here on my blog in both German and English. But translating older blogposts step by step belongs to my plan also.  Yes, this is a lot of work, guys. But I have fun doing this!

The attentive reader may have noticed by now, that already some of the last posts have been translated. Really it is much work, especially writing the texts for the pictures is very time-consuming. But I think it is kind of a duty for me, because I am a pupil of a bilingual class. I have already mentioned our school having some specialized classes. For example the choir classes, in which there are pupils who always sing along when they have the oppurnity. And there are English classes. Well, they don’t speak English the whole day, but they could… if they wanted to 😉

And some places, we haven't known yet. I am so happy!
We will also visit Brighton…

The English texts will be published a bit later, because you would have to wait longer otherwise – and that is not our aim. Let’s see how fast I am translating, otherwise:

Wait and see… and drink tea! 😉

Or eat cake…

This is what I call "Pret a Portea"! Remember the book by Prestel?
Yes, that’s how a cake must look like.

When you are reading this, I may be baking the tastiest brownies in the world. But they will be ready tomorrow. 🙂












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