Tomorrow my work experience starts in Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen

I am a bit excited, because tomorrow my work experience starts in our monastery „Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen“. For those who know German grammar: Yes, it is written in the right way, don’t worry. I don’t know why it is called with this strange grammar but maybe I will find out while my work experience.

Our local monastery „Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen“ has been an important place for me since my childhood. It means art, homeland and childhood at the same time to me. We spent so much time there and on Wednesdays I often took part in their program called „Kunst mit Kindern“ (engl: „art with children“), when I was younger. Sometimes friends came with me and I was surprised when they told me, they have never been in the monastery before.

Now also the events in the evenings are interesting for me, finally I am on my way to being adult. And often me and my friends are just sitting on the green fields in front of the Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen and we talk about anything. That is perfect, because the building spreads a feeling of calmness, beside its sublimity, which is so good after the stressful school days. The monastery is not as far away from my school, so easy to reach. And now I am allowed to spent my next two weeks there.

On the day, of course. At night the monastery has to rest. ;)
I will work here for two weeks.

My work experience in Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen will be full of arts and I am waiting excitedly since I got the commitment.

The attentive reader maybe recognizes my Fashion Domino Post, because there I had my application with me. The envelope matched my outfit so well and obviously it brought luck.

Orange is my lucky colour now. :)
Do you remember?

A bit of what I can expect I already know and this is so exciting. I will see so much art and I will spend my whole day in the monastry. On Saturday there is the 4th „Kulturnacht“ in Magdeburg and maybe I can help a bit with the preparations. Doesn’t matter, I will go there definitely and when you live close to Magdeburg, you should go there, too. Maybe we will see each other.

And there is also art to see.
This view you shouldn’t miss!
Yes, I was there and on this evening I had the idea of the work experience.
These pics are made on the „Lange Nacht der Malerei“
Here I listened to Berlin Syndrome the first time.
The church of the monastry is always very impressive, but I think there is construction work going on right now.

For school I have to write a report of my work experience in the Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen and for my blog there will be maybe a kind of a diary. I already have some ideas, how I can make my work experience interesting for you. But now I will leave to look for a good outfit for tomorrow. The first impression counts, you know, and I don’t want to impress negatively. 🙂







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