DIY Christmas calendar with Semikolon boxes

Yes, time runs, but it’s still enough left, to present you a wonderful idea of a DIY Christmas calendar. This time I got support by the Semikolon brand. The fashionable boxes from Semikolon I know from my my parents‘ offices, they love the plain, elegant design. They discovered these stationery products in Paris some years ago and they were even more excited when they saw, Semikolon is originally from Germany.

So I thought, I will create a Christmas calendar out of Semikolon boxes for my parents.

So not only the filling will be a present, but also the packaging. Because the mini boxes can be used for the calendar every year, or they keep little things at the working place of mum and dad. 🙂

You can get the Semikolon boxes in packings of 12 pieces and in many great colours. Just have a look at the Semikolon homepage!


I chose two neutral colours, so the boxes fit the the Christmas decoration at our home. When I opened the package of the boxes, I suddenly got even more ideas for a DIY Christmas calendar, that the decision was very hard at the end and now I am a bit sad, that our family is only so small. 😉

But wherefore you have a blog? Right, to show you some different options. And I will not tell which calendar I choose. Because mum and dad are probably reading here. I am not really sure, if they adhere to my Christmas reading ban. In the Christmas time also adults become kids again, right? Curious kids! 😉

There are products, which inspire you to creativity and the Semikolon boxes belong to them definitely.

The first variation is also good for a friend or for the sister, because it’s filled with beautiful, little things. Eye shadow, scent tea lights, small badges, or hair jewels, glitter and velvet-chokers. You can also make a choker on your own. Because the Semikolon boxes look so chic and elegant, you can put it anywhere. Whether on the mirror, the wardrobe, on a feather boa, or simply at a chandelier, this DIY Weihnachtskalender will be a eye-catcher.





As creative you can be with the filling, you can also be with the inscription and straps. Either you write the numbers directly on the boxes, or you create some pretty pendants. Nowadays there also wonderful ones to be bought in decoration shops. If you write on the boxes with chalks, you shouldn’t do it with too much pressure, because then you can wipe it away again.

This is how you can make a new DIY Christmas calendar every year, too.
There are many different kinds of straps and pendants.

Did you recognize the piece of chalk cliff in the background? Right, this is a memory of Botany Bay in the South of England. I am writing with memories. 😉

My next DIY idea is wonderful for sweet teeth

So, imagine this in my family: Daddy is a marzipan-lover and mum is gone crazy for nougat. So I will fill the Semikolon boxes with little sweets from Niederegger, Mozart pralines by Reber and nougat by Viba.

Niederegger, Reber and Viba have super elegant, tasty sweets, they are perfect for the Semikolon boxes.
Everyday a small sweet and when you want to make a calendar, you fill in two pieces in one box. 🙂

I sticked the Semikolon boxes with double-sided tape on a broad vlies strap. The boxes mainly have a sticker on the backside, so you don’t damage the boxes with the tape, you can easily remove it.

Mum und dad should know, which calendar is for whom, that’s why I decorated one of the pendants in form of a cat with a feminine pearl necklace, while the other cat is having a collar. Actually I could also use this Christmas calendar for my two forest cats Mary and Stuart, of course, without chocolate. They would get some cat treats or straps to play.

The colour of the Semikolon boxes will be perfect for my mum.
This DIY Christmas calendar fits perfectly with out Christmas decoration.
It's definitely a fast Christmas calendar idea.
Mum and dad, or Mary and Stuart? I will decide. 🙂
Small work, big deal!
Pretty straps and pretty Semikolon boxes, what can go wrong? December 1 can come!

These were my first ideas for a DIY Christmas calendar and I think, you can think of many other ideas.

Of course I will show you more. Stay curious!

You can order the Semikolon products here, or offline at Karstadt, for example. Also at Amazon you can find the Semikolon boxes, have a look.

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With such beautiful boxes it's even more fun!
Christmas boxing…
Fits perfectly into the Semikolon boxes.
Eye shadow, scent tea lights, hair pins and badges, everything’s perfect for a calendar.
Marzipan and nougat are the perfect fillings.
A Christmas calendar for a sweet tooth…
Do you already have a calendar?
Oh, now I am even more happy for the Christmas time, guys!
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