My Monday post is now called Montagram

Somehow I didn’t feel well with that unstable form of my Monday post. On the one hand I like not being dependent to any provisions, but on the other hand rules can also be motivating. Yeah, really, even for blogging.

So I introduced my own rules to the Monday post:

From today on we have the Montagram, my week in hashtags!

Not every week there are exciting happenings and a list of activities from the last days is already boring to myself while I’m writing. That’s why I was considering, whether I should take you into my world of thougts. I actually think every week! 😉

Okay, there are not always highbrow things cruising through my mind, but sometimes there is something funny and that’s why you will get served a Montagram every Monday now.

Charli’s world of ideas in short form, in Hashtags especially, like in Instagram or Twitter. There will also be a bit text and some pictures can be found, too.

Well, now I explained enough, I hope you like my Monogram!



Have you watched „Simpel“ in the cinema? We read the book at school and I was fascinated then. Also here on my blog I reported about it, within even two posts, this one and one about the „reading roll“ for German lessons. So it was clear, that I will watch the film. Also mum liked the book, that’s why she went with me and also convinced daddy to come along. #familycinemaafternoon

Watch the film! :)
„Simpel“ and fresh „Quasilotten“ 😉

The film was sooooo great! The protagonists acted very good in their roles. David Kross, who plays Simpel, seemed very authentic and Frederick Lau made up a great Ben. The story of the book by Marie-Aude Murail was only the template and that’s why the story of Ben and Barnaby was relocated to Germany.

I don’t want to tell too much about the film, you should watch it on your own. It’s naturally wonderful and at home we still talk about it. Even daddy, who doesn’t really take pleasure in German films, liked it very much. That’s a point! Don’t forget the tissues, there some extremely touching scenes! 🙂

The second film this week was „Fack Ju Göthe 3“ and I don’t need to write much about it, right? I really like, how they hide good messages behind these funny scenes. And I’m really excited for when the first influencers will fight about one of the film messages, which says: „Influencer is no profession“. I repeat, #influencerisnoprofession 😉

I can only say, I would prefer more of humour and less of moaning in every case. And when the influencers wouldn’t take theirselves as serious as they do, maybe they would be taken more serious of others. What a pun!

Okay, let’s go on with a dessert discovery, #veganmeringues

And they were damn tasty. I always thought, that it is impossible to bake meringues without egg, but the water of chickpeas makes it possible. Next thing we try are vegan macarons, for sure!

My favourite macaron recipe book by Arielle Artsztein.
It may be also possible to colour the meringue dough out of chickpeas‘ water. 😉
But they are made with egg and not vegan.
Selfmade macarons – tasty!
I'm excited for the result.
Vegan macarons? Let’s see…

I think, I wrote enough words for this Monday. Now I’ll get comfy and will sit on my bed with my blanket and my psychology folder for learning, because tomorrow we will have a test paper. There’s nothing more beautiful for Monday afternoons… #thatwasironic 😉

But then there would be no Monogram anymore!




2 Responses to "My Monday post is now called Montagram"
  1. Ich kann deinen Papa sehr verstehen. Ich kann nämlich in der Regel auch wenig mit deutschen Filmen anfangen. 😉 Ich bemängle immer ein bisschen fehlende Kreativität. Da ich Filme sehr gerne mag und viele schaue, fällt mir dann oft auf, wie die deutschen ein, zwei Jahre später einen amerikanischen Film „kopieren“. Oder zu sehr als Inspirationsquelle nehmen. Da könnte ich mich dann immer sehr aufregen. 😉

    Haha, es ist schon echt von Vorteil, wenn man in solchen Ländern einen Fahrer hat, der gerne Auto fährt und keine Angst vor kurvigen Strecken hat. Auch wenn in dem Fall mein Papa nicht dabei war, ist der sonst auch schon oft mit uns wirklich haarsträubende Bergstrecken gefahren… 😉 Meiner Mama und Schwester wird dann allerdings schnell mal schlecht…

    Dankeschön für deine wirklich lieben Worte zu dem Post! Ich freu mich immer total über Komplimente zu meinem Schreibstil! :*

    • Liebe Christine,

      genau dasselbe bemängelt auch Papi. 🙂 Und diese zur Schau gestellte Betroffenheit in deutschen Filmen, darum war er bei „Simpel“ auch ganz angetan, dass dort nicht der „deutsche Zeigefinger“ erhoben wurde. Nur Emilia Schüle mochte er nicht, sie ist wohl diese Art von deutscher Schauspielerin, die ihm missfällt. Aber ich war ganz froh, dass er den Film mochte, denn ich fand damals das Buch so toll.
      Und deinen Schreibstil mag ich wirklich sehr gern, wir haben offensichtlich eine ähnliche Art Humor und du kannst ihn so schön in Worte packen. 🙂

      LG Charli

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