Oatly! Barista Edition – Oat milk, which foams

I haven’t known yet, that it is not only possible to discover music on the Lollapalooza. It’s true! Because I discovered the Oatly Oat Milk for me. Okay, there is also vegan milk in the grocery store at home. But have you ever tried to foam normal oat milk? Does not work! And it is the turn of the Barista Edition by Oatly.

By the way, this may sound like advertisement today. But I did neither get the products nor money for this. I just wanted to show you my new discovery, if you are also searching for the perfect vegan foamed milk.

How? Actually I don't care, but everything without cow, ya' know. ;)
Oatly! managed to invent the perfect formable oat milk.
Or is it better to write a blogpost about this oat milk? ;)
This is oat milk to foam, just leave cow milk at home…I should become a poet! 😉
Yes, also the pretty package, made by the Swedish, is nice.
The Barista Edition is also for non-baristas as fans of Oatly!, of course.

At the Lollapalooza there was also a type with mangoe, which also was very tasty. I don’t eat vegan usually, but I am always looking for new healthy things. And when they are even stylish, I get interested in. Well, this might be the reason: Oatly! is from Sweden, I don’t have to say anything more about the design. Swedish are talented in this field, aren’t they?

A cool discovery, as I think.
This was the giant package of the Barista Edition at the Oatly! booth.

Our first six packages have already been drunken up and the next ones are on their way. Actually it would be better, if I could buy Oatly! oat milk in our local organic stores. Or even better: at the corner, in the grocery store. Maybe it’ll happen, when everybody tells everybody, how great this oat drink is. And that it is foamable. There’s also a cocoa drink in the Oatly! program and other types with many vitamines. Sounds great, but we have already made our own oat cocoa drink with cocoa powder. Was absolutely tasty. And because of the minimal sweetness of the oat drink, you don’t need sugar.

Our absolute favourite powder now, better than the popular one by Valrhona.
The cocoa powder by Sevenhills is so tasty, by the way.

Okay, a bit sugar, coming in form of one of the best cookies on earth, is good, isn’t it?

...but those crumbs look good on a picture, aren't they?
These are Rakuschkis and even while photographing it was not easy to not eat one…

And these cookies named Rakuschkis are also a new discovery, an absolute coincidence. We wanted to bake cookies and I searched on the internet for a good recipe. I also like to use the image search in cases like that and then I found a picture, perfectly matching my taste. „Best Baiser-Plätzchen ever“ was the headline above the post on alltagsfreuden.de and I just can agree with that. The recipe is easy-peasy and the pieces look damn complicated, so perfect for the next teatime. But make enough, otherwise you risk not having any more cookies for your guests.

if you want to have the recipe, have a look here, I cannot tell it any better and the pictures are also very great. 😉

And don't forget the foamed Oatly! milk!
Cookie season can start!

We bought the Oatly! milk and all the other stuff at Amazon and were very happy. For example the Konto cups we own for years now and are lucky with them every day. And yes, we just put them into the dish washer. 🙂









6 Responses to "Oatly! Barista Edition – Oat milk, which foams"
    • Wussten wir vorher auch nicht! 🙂 So etwas lernt man dann auf dem Lollapalooza. 😉 Aber wir haben es natürlich erstmal mit der normalen Hafermilch ausprobiert und dann blieb uns ja keine Wahl. 😉 Und die von Oatly schmeckt auch besser, irgendwie nach Kuchen. 🙂

  1. Liebe Charli,
    auf diese Kekse hätte ich jetzt so Lust und ich könnte mir echt vorstellen, dass mir auch die Hafermilch schmeckt, denn ich liebe ja Haferflocken über alles. Ich trinke normalerweise zwar ganz normale Milch – aber man kann ja auch mal was anders machen als gewohnt 🙂 Danke fürs Vorstellen und hab noch eine schöne Mini-Restwoche.
    Liebe Grüße, Rena

    • Liebe Rena,
      die Kekse sind auch wirklich der Hammer und sie halten sich auch einige Tage. Also, wenn man sie nicht vorher vertilgt. 😉
      Wenn du Haferflocken magst, solltest du die Milch unbedingt kosten, sie schmeckt auch ein bisschen danach. Irgendwie wie Kuchen… 🙂
      Ja, nur noch ein Tag Praktikum und am Sonntag geht es Richtung England. Ich freue mich schon!
      Hoffe, du hast auch noch einen entspannten Freitag!
      Liebe Grüße

  2. Ich wollte schonlängst Hafermilch probieren,
    fühle mich aber immer von den „anderen“ Milchsorten überfordert. Danke für dein Review,
    muss ich unbedingt mal probieren.
    Und die Kekse sehen so lecker aus.

    • Ja, ich kann diese Hafermilch wirklich nur empfehlen. Leider bekommt man sie bei uns nicht im Laden, aber vielleicht ändert sich das irgendwann. Oatly hat auch noch so andere leckere Sorten, auf dem Lollapalooza habe ich noch Mango/Orange probiert. Super lecker. Die Kekse sehen tatsächlich nicht nur lecker aus, sie sind es auch. Solltest du unbedingt mal probieren. 🙂
      LG Charli

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