Sweet 16! What will change?

Yes! Now I am 16! Whether I am worth that „sweet 16“-thing, will show off in the future. Actually I have some very clear visions of what should be changed from now.

You may have noticed one change, didn’t you? Yeah, right, there was no Montagram. But it’s not planned to keep this, it was more caused by my laziness less time. 😉

If it would be possible, I would wish not to have my birthday happening in Winter anymore. I would rather be a summer child, with many more useable party locations. In December these possibilities are a bit more limited and everything simply looks like a Christmas party. As a little child I didn’t care about this, but meanwhile I would love a party without Christmas decorations. 😉


I know, that there are no huge changes with reaching the age of 16, but I am allowed to do a few more things now.

For example, I am allowed to stay at clubs until 12 p.m. accompanied by my older friends. How cool! But only with a „mummy-note“(=permission)! Somehow this is kinda uncool, but who cares! Maybe I don’t have to show it. 😉

I am also allowed to drink alcohol now, but no hard things! I knew there’s a rub in it…

When my parents would agree with it, I would also be able to marry. Oh my goodness, why should I? I am also allowed to get small beauty surgeries and tattoos with a permission from my parents. I really want to see their faces, if I ask for their authorization.

„Can I have a new nose for my 16th birthday, mum?“ 

Okay, I stop, for sure you know, what can be done from the age of 16. It’s more important, what we ourselves expect life to be. At first! These expectations may change over time.





At first I wish that my family is well, of course. And also my two cats, but they are a part of my family, you may know. Then I wish, that my dream of a year abroad in England will come true. By the way, I already had the interview with the responsible person for the school and she was very satisfied. She said goodbye with the words „See you in September!“. This is also a film title, but I hope, that she didn’t mean it as a film advice. 😉

I also hope, that music will still play an important role in my life. December was full of musical moments for me and I noticed, that this is what I want to do. I want to make music with others, there’s nothing better. Because I am also allowed to go to concerts alone, my friend and me got the last two tickets for GreeeN concert in Magdeburg. I am excited!

The first events are already planned!
The new year can come…
My "Sweet 16" decoration is also good for New Year, right?
A real party queen!
Mary was completely fascinated by all the balloons and decorations…

I also want to do more photography in the next time.

But I am still looking for inspiration, because all these same looking pictures are boring. I want to try out more artistic photographies. My work experiences in the art museum in my city made this wish come to life. Maybe this is the reason, why there are no more outfit posts on frischgelesen.de. I look for a new form, at least for me new. If you have advice, I would be happy!

Because my parents surprised me with a MacBook Pro for my birthday, I will try out more image processing. I only had limited possibilities before, but now I can try me out. It is possible, that the picture language on my blog will change, but this will take its time.

Now I will leave you some pics there and then I am on my way again, to do a bit shopping. From tomorrow on we have holidays and we really need them. The last weeks were really exhausting.

But soooooo goooood……!!!

I am still sleeping at this moment. :)
Forest cat Mary helps with the „Sweet 16“ decoration.
From Pechkeks.
The best Anti- Party-Baloons ever…
These will be my basic party balloons!
Yeah, my grandpa would really have fun! Right, grandpa?
Great, right?
In the morning 16 balloons were waiting for me…
Stuart was not interested. ;)
Again Mary…

If you are also so fascinated by these black balloons and you need decorations for your New Year’s Party, here’s the link for them. And also the garlands were great, my parents ordered the whole decoration at Amazon.

[amazon_link asins=’B01CT2ZF2Y‘ template=’ProductAd‘ store=’frischgelesen-21′ marketplace=’DE‘ link_id=’09d8c32b-e5a3-11e7-9606-970984fdcc77′][amazon_link asins=’B073D7DJ9V‘ template=’ProductAd‘ store=’frischgelesen-21′ marketplace=’DE‘ link_id=’3c7c5362-e5a3-11e7-ad0b-b3d612b3a656′][amazon_link asins=’B06XYW1NSX‘ template=’ProductAd‘ store=’frischgelesen-21′ marketplace=’DE‘ link_id=’6fec815a-e5a3-11e7-9ee4-59723ca3048d‘][amazon_link asins=’B075M75GNY‘ template=’ProductAd‘ store=’frischgelesen-21′ marketplace=’DE‘ link_id=’008b198e-e5a5-11e7-8eda-a7bf2e3997f9′]




4 Responses to "Sweet 16! What will change?"
  1. Liebe Charli,
    nachträglich alles Liebe und Gute für Dich zu Deinem Geburtstag! Was Du jetzt alles darfst mit 16 🙂 Ist ja wirklich schon fast erwachsen! Wobei Du auf mich ja wirklich wesentlich reifer wirkst, als man mit 16 normalerweise ist.
    Die Ballons sind sehr cool und ich mag überhaupt die ganze Deko total gerne – Deine Eltern zeigen Dir immer wieder auf wunderbare Weise, wie sehr sie Dich lieben, das ist einfach toll und ich bin jedes Mal sehr berührt davon.
    Von ganzem Herzen wunderschöne Weihnachten für Dich und Deine Lieben!
    Liebe Grüße, Rena

    • Liebe Rena,
      vielen lieben Dank! Ach ja, ich freu mich auch, endlich 16 zu sein. Man fühlt sich ja schon viel größer, haha… 😉
      Meine Eltern haben sich wirklich so viel Mühe gegeben und ich wollte auch, dass die Deko genauso dranbleibt, wie sie dort ist. Leider mussten die Ballons und Girlanden am nächsten Tag wieder abgemacht werden, damit die Weihnachtsvorbereitungen weiterlaufen konnten. Dafür hängt der glitzrige Schmuck jetzt bei mir im Zimmer! 🙂
      Ich wünsche dir auch wundervolle und besinnliche Weihnachten!
      Liebe Grüße,

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