A bit Slow Fashion, or the eternal skirt

Eternal city, eternal life, eternity, we know it all, but the eternal skirt? What should this be? A canonized skirt, or what? Well, nearly right.

I also didn’t know that I am owning an eternal skirt for a long time. And then I got a message from a reader, who asked me, if I have the skirt from the post about the fortress of Blaye in different sizes. She noticed, that it appears in many posts and some of them are already years old. She was right and I was surprised how attentive my readers are. So I went down into the depths of my image archive and searched for pictures of my skirt from the Italian brand „I Pinco Pallino“ and noticed, that he is with me for so long. It is exactly the same skirt every time.

And that’s how my „I Pinco Pallino“ skirt became the eternal skirt.  😉

The eternal skirt became shorter with the time. Or I got longer... ;)
That’s a newer picture of my skirt from „I Pinco Pallino“.

There are clothes, which accompany me for very long and it really hurts, if they are too small one day. But this skirt already lasts eternally. It grows with me and it made the skip from beloved children skirt to the favorite piece of the teenager wardrobe. I Pinco Pallino is originally a childrens‘ brand. We bought the skirt in this now left shopping center in the Tuscany.  The shopping center is closed for a very long time already, but my eternal skirt is still pretty. And very comfy. A piece I really like to take out of my wardrobe. And often, as you can see on those tons of pictures of my blog.

Maybe my head's too big now. Well, there are also many more thoughts in it now...
Here I wear my I Pinco Pallino skirt with a hat from Miss Sixty. I actually still have it, but it is too small now, unfortunately…
The eternal skirt on tour.
Here you see my skirt walking through San Gimignano and gets admired from Pinocchio. 😉
in the hall of mirrors the skirt looked quite good.
In Versailles he already was, too!
It always behaved good. No need to wonder, it comes from a good home.
Here the eternal skirt was having lunch in „La Flottille“.
It (and me too) were very impressed. ;)
At La Machine in Nantes the Pinco Pallino has also seen cool figures.
Do you recognize it?
That’s the eternal skirt as a background for my decorated hands.

Many posts in which my eternal skirt appeared already. I don’t even know if I really discovered all. Maybe you find some more. We cpuld do a search game:

Find the eternal skirt. 😉

Watches the highest waterfall of Germany in Triberg.
There it is again.
The eternal skirt, let's see how long it will still last. ;)
No skirt swings like this! You already know this picture from my Anti-moaning post.

Yes, and because you don’t only want to see old pictures, I have some pics from Bordeaux for you. And what did I wear there? Right, the ternal skirt.

My eternal skirt is durable and pretty – A right step to slow fashion

But it doesn't help with the bags. Should be changed!
The skirt was also very good for Bordeaux shopping…
Yeah, it likes books. Finally it is the skirt of frischgelesen.de. ;)
The skirt was there when I bought „Harry Potter and the cursed child“.
No, it doesn't like them much. The colorful cookies just make it dirty...;)
And it bought Macarons…
The material is very soft and lasts so long.
Very close.
But for sure there are no childhood pictures of her with these trousers on.... ;)
Mum’s trousers I have also seen very often here. Maybe it becomes the eternal trousers?
I am not religious, but there are situations in which I wish to change things to the good. Here it also helped a bit.
Here the eternal skirt lighted a candle with me in the cathedral of Bordeaux.

What I wanted to tell you with this post, is very easy: Not the short-lived pieces make us happy. No, we need the fave pieces, which experience many things with us, like a very good friend. We don’t only look for a friend for one summer, do we?

And the great thing about it is, that it is good for the environment, and also safes money. Of course you have to look for the quality of pieces, you want to wear very long and it does cost more then, when you buy it. But finally you shop calmly and if you use the „Coast per wear“ -principle, you saved money at the end. Why should we buy a fashionable trapping for 40 €, if we only wear it five times in two years and somehow don’t like it anymore after a short time. Finally the wearing costs are much too high for this.

So think about your next purchase. Style is not about the tons of clothes in your wardrobe, it is about quality and combinations. And less pieces means less cleaning up. Reasonable shopping belongs to growing up. Finally we have to pay for everything some day and I don’t only mean clothes, but all these environmental sins, we have to iron out in the future.

Less is more sometimes…



2 Responses to "A bit Slow Fashion, or the eternal skirt"
  1. Ich habe viele Sachen, die ich schon zu meiner Schulzeit gerne getragen habe, und da sich meine Figur seither kaum verändert hat, passen sie noch immer! Da gibt es z.B. eine 13 Jahre alte Jacke in grün und Pilotenstil, für die ich immer mehr Komplimente bekomme, je länger ich sie trage und je offensichtlicher die tatsächlich „Used“-Spuren werden! Oder eine 12 Jahre alte Samthose in cognacbraun, um die mich ganz viele beneiden (und die ich inzwischen sogar verkaufen würde, weil ich cognac einfach nicht mehr so gerne habe). Ein Rock aus einer Tanzaufführung mit 14, T-Shirts von meiner ersten Reise nach Kanada mit 16, sogar zwei Paar Schuhe, die Mama mir mit 15 gekauft habe, halten wegen ihrer hervorragenden Qualität immer noch (und die Leute fragen mich immer noch, woher ich die habe, seit meiner Schulzeit! Ist doch unglaublich, nicht wahr?)

    Daher: solche doofen Regeln wie „alles muss nach einem Jahr raus“ oder ähnlich finde ich unsinnig. Ich habe Dinge, die ich manchmal auch 2 oder 3 Jahre nicht trage, und dann entflammt die Liebe völlig neu! Und ist stärker als zuvor 😀

    • Ja, das geht mir genauso. Nur weil ich irgendetwas ein Jahr nicht getragen habe, heißt es noch lange nicht, dass ich es nicht wieder anziehen werde.

      Ich stöbere auch sehr gern bei Mami, da sind einige Schätze zu finden. Und sie findet es großartig, wenn ich es dann anders kombiniert trage. Bisher durfte ich alles nehmen und das ist zum Beispiel beim Verreisen total cool, weil wir nicht soviel mitnehmen müssen.
      Ich finde es auch toll, wenn die Kleidung mit vielen Erinnerungen verbunden ist. Und langsam komme ich ja in ein Alter, wo ich nicht mehr so sehr schnell wachse, also kann ich meine Lieblingsteile auch länger tragen. Oder ewig und später meinen Kindern geben, so wie Mami. 😉
      Ab und zu trenne ich mich aber auch von ein paar Teilen und verkaufe sie auf unserem Kinder-Flohmarkt. Ich habe da richtige Stammkunden. Das macht dann wirklich Spaß.

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