Beiträge Currently viewing the category: "Montagspost"

Montagram #3

It’s Montagram time again and even though I have so much to do for the moment, I will give you my hashtags of the week. Not every week there is something special, but it’s anyway enough for some hashtags. #aweekfulloftestpapers I don’t think it’s necessary to explain this, but these were…(Read More)

Montagram #2

Again a week is over and it’s time for Montagram #2. You remember, now every week comes in hashtags! Then let’s go… #iamdemothervated No, it’s no spelling mistake, but I meant what I typed. Let me explain to you: Well, last week I set up my plan to eat no sweets anymore…(Read More)

Somehow I didn’t feel well with that unstable form of my Monday post. On the one hand I like not being dependent to any provisions, but on the other hand rules can also be motivating. Yeah, really, even for blogging. So I introduced my own rules to the Monday post: From today on we…(Read More)

Because I have no fixed form for my monday post (apart from that it is published every monday, of course!), I use the post for outtakes today. To be honest, outtakes are the perfect solution, if a blogger, today it’s me, doesn’t have any idea what to write. There are always some strange…(Read More)

It’s Monday again. Gosh, how fast this has gone! But you know it is always like this, when many things are happening. And my week was full of surprises, well, not everything was unexpected. Our concert evening by St. Vincent in Berlin was planned for weeks. And I still can’t believe, that I…(Read More)

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