Beiträge Currently viewing the category: "Erwachsenwerden"

Sweet 16! What will change?

Yes! Now I am 16! Whether I am worth that „sweet 16“-thing, will show off in the future. Actually I have some very clear visions of what should be changed from now. You may have noticed one change, didn’t you? Yeah, right, there was no Montagram. But it’s not planned to keep…(Read More)

Now some of you will think, this will turn into a hymn of praise about the DIOR highlighter and I want to talk you into buying expensive cosmetics because it has to do with coming-of-age. Of course, you think bloggers would do it all. 😉 And even when I really love my Diorskin Nude…(Read More)

I am a bit excited, because tomorrow my work experience starts in our monastery „Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen“. For those who know German grammar: Yes, it is written in the right way, don’t worry. I don’t know why it is called with this strange grammar but maybe I will find out while my…(Read More)

No, I didn’t write „blogkade“ wrong. It’s a new neologism and until a few moments ago I thought I was the first, who used this pun out of „blog“ and „blockade“. But obviously there are more people with blog and a writer’s block, who like puns like this. Never mind, I have…(Read More)

Why I tell this wish exactly now, may be clear for some of you. I wouldn’t be me, when I wouldn’t write anything about the terrible happenings of the last weeks on my blog. Also a world of a 13-year-old isn’t only about book, baking cakes and new shoes. No…(Read More)

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