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Long time no read on my blog. Somehow the last weeks were busy with enjoying the winter in the UK and having lots of fun with my friends. So I completely forgot to feed you guys with some stuff about my life. Here in England everything is fine. If anyone is wondering why I suddenly…(Read More)

Today I have a autumn look from England again, which we photographed in Eastbourne. There was also a college, what I wanted to look at because of my year in England. And for me also the styling is important for such an school casting, but I took of my fancy cap before entering the school…(Read More)

My research produced, that the last Monday post on lays back over one year, so not entirely in the Stone Age, as you might have wondered because of the cover picture. And anyway I don’t want to make big statements, why there has been no weekly post anymore. That bores me to…(Read More)

That’s the cool thing about a road trip, you never know, what there will be waiting for you at the next stop. And because a road trip also never goes to plan, you don’t get my stories about England in a chronological order, but today I take you with me to the New…(Read More)

My love for England actually contains the rainy weather on the isle, too. Of course, also sun is great in England, but with a weatherproof trench coat and a gorgeous pair of rubber boots you will look absolutely British. Trust me, the British really don’t let the weather ruin neither their noble behavior, nor…(Read More)

I can imagine, what some of you are thinking now: With flamingo love you may think about Swarovski binoculars with pink glitter, made for girls. And Charli now bought one. Of course! At this point I should remind you, that I am becoming 16 this year, not 6. 😉 Well, no glitter and no pink!…(Read More)

Yes, I have to admit, the headline is a bit confusing: „In Nîmes with Sandro“ sounds like I visited Nîmes with a good, old Roman friend. And it is not that wrong actually, because I was there with Sandro and the Romans also have something to do with that. But, Sandro is a…(Read More)

On our roadtrip from Italy to the South of France there was the principality of Monaco, like crossing our route. Of course, you have to get off to see this when you are that close, haven’t you? Finally Monaco sounds quite sophisticated, just like Audrey Hepburn. Wait, was it Grace Kelly? Doesn’t matter…(Read More)

I brought a very special souvenir from our summer holiday this time: a fashion discovery. And it couldn’t be more french, because the brand is in fact an ancient label. Is it even allowed to use the word „ancient“ in connection with fashion? I don’t know, who cares! Maybe it is better to…(Read More)

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